<aside> <img src="/icons/key-antique_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/key-antique_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> So you’re thinking about joining The Study! I’m thrilled and would love to tell you more about this incredible place full of incredible people.

And there’s never been a better time, because this Fall I’m hosting a live run-through of our marketing course Internet Business for all of the Studiers!

You can think of this page like a syllabus, designed to help you understand what’s coming up this semester and how to be a part of it. If you have any questions, you can schedule a tour of The Study or email [email protected].


Click here to join The Study!

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This Fall, join us in The Study for…

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Ready to get good at the Internet?

In Internet Business, you'll learn how to design systems of self-advocacy for you and your business — specifically, you’ll design a digital marketing campaign.

I’ll help you experiment your way to a sustainable content marketing ecosystem, one that builds trust with exactly the people you want your creative work to reach. You'll sharpen your copywriting and design skills, finding ways to let it be it easy and intuitive.

And you’ll do it all live, with hands-on support from me — a launch and content strategist who has been building personal brands online since 2014. Throughout our Fall semester in The Study, we’ll go through each chapter of Internet Business live at Night School (our Tuesday live class), building out a sales system that advocates for the value of both your offerings and your brightest ideas.

Marketing your business doesn’t have to feel like you’re constantly climbing uphill or baring your soul to complete strangers. It can be easier. Let me prove it to you.

The Study’s Live Event Schedule:

When you join The Study, you get instant access to our rich resource library, full of courses, tutorials and class recordings.

You also get ongoing access to a calendar of recurring live events:

Night School

Strategic Intuition Circles

Big Paper Planning Day

Please note: In an effort to give new members a cohesive course experience, doors to The Study will close on September 24 and reopen again later this year. I recommend joining by September 24 if you want to join the first class live, but will keep doors open a few days because I respect a last minute decision. :p


Internet Business Kickoff (Ch. 1 & 2) — September 19 at 7 pm ET

What you'll learn:

What you'll practice:

Experiment Week! — September 25 - 29

What you’ll learn:

What you’ll practice:


Launch Design (Ch. 3) — October 3 at 7 pm ET

What you'll learn:

What you'll practice:

Want a private tour of The Study? Schedule one below!


The Email Waterfall (Ch. 4) — October 10 at 7 pm ET

What you'll learn: